Se dă un vector cu n
numere naturale. Să se determine câte dintre perechile de elemente din vector sunt prime între ele.
Problema | NumararePIE | Operații I/O | tastatură/ecran |
Limita timp | 0.1 secunde | Limita memorie |
Total: 64 MB
Stivă 8 MB
Id soluție | #47850948 | Utilizator | |
Fișier | numararepie.cpp | Dimensiune | 2.42 KB |
Data încărcării | 08 Ianuarie 2024, 07:33 | Scor / rezultat | Eroare de compilare |
numararepie.cpp:7:85: warning: missing terminating ' character [enabled by default] extern exit, scanf, printf ; tell nasm that exit exists even if we won't be defining it ^ numararepie.cpp:7:1: error: missing terminating ' character extern exit, scanf, printf ; tell nasm that exit exists even if we won't be defining it ^ numararepie.cpp:1:1: error: 'bits' does not name a type bits 32 ; assembling for the 32 bits architecture ^ numararepie.cpp:1:11: error: 'assembling' does not name a type bits 32 ; assembling for the 32 bits architecture ^ numararepie.cpp:3:3: error: 'declare' does not name a type ; declare the EntryPoint (a label defining the very first instruction of the program) ^ numararepie.cpp:6:3: error: 'declare' does not name a type ; declare external functions needed by our program ^ numararepie.cpp:7:44: error: 'tell' does not name a type extern exit, scanf, printf ; tell nasm that exit exists even if we won't be defining it ^ numararepie.cpp:8:29: error: 'exit' does not name a type import exit msvcrt.dll ; exit is a function that ends the calling process. It is defined in msvcrt.dll ^ numararepie.cpp:10:53: error: 'msvcrt' does not name a type import printf msvcrt.dll ; msvcrt.dll contains exit, printf and all the other important C-runtime specific functions ^ numararepie.cpp:12:3: error: 'our' does not name a type ; our data is declared here (the variables needed by our program) ^ numararepie.cpp:17:3: error: 'Problem' does not name a type ; Problem statement ^ numararepie.cpp:19:3: error: 'se' does not name a type ; se citesc n numere de la tastatura, sa se afiseze perechile de numere prime intre ele din sir ^ numararepie.cpp:23:5: error: 'n' does not name a type n dd 0 ^ numararepie.cpp:28:3: error: 'our' does not name a type ; our code starts here ^ numararepie.cpp:45:26: error: 'go' does not name a type add esi, 4 ; go to the next dword space ^ numararepie.cpp:55:26: error: 'the' does not name a type add edi, 4 ; the next dword ^ numararepie.cpp:67:31: error: 'calculating' does not name a type jne gcd ; calculating the greatest common divisor ^ numararepie.cpp:76:30: error: 'next' does not name a type add edi, 4 ; next doubleword ^ numararepie.cpp:82:15: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token ; exit(0) ^ numararepie.cpp:83:32: error: 'push' does not name a type push dword 0 ; push the parameter for exit onto the stack ^ numararepie.cpp:84:32: error: 'call' does not name a type call [exit] ; call exit to terminate the program ^
www.pbinfo.ro permite evaluarea a două tipuri de probleme:
Problema NumararePIE face parte din prima categorie. Soluția propusă de tine va fi evaluată astfel:
Suma punctajelor acordate pe testele utilizate pentru verificare este 100. Astfel, soluția ta poate obține cel mult 100 de puncte, caz în care se poate considera corectă.